arTIfiCE is a jailbreak for TI CE calculators with OS 5.5 / 5.6 / 5.7 / 5.8.
It brings back ASM programs and games!

- TI-83 Premium CE (Edition Python)
OS 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8 - TI-84 Plus CE (Python)
OS 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8 - TI-84 Plus CE-T (Python Edition)
OS 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8 - TI-82 Advanced Edition Python (via arTIfi82)
OS 5.6.3, 5.6.4
Choose your model:

1. Download these 2 files
- arTIfiCE.8xv (jailbreak with shell)
- Cabri™ Jr. app 5.0 (used to launch the jailbreak. Not needed if you already have the app on your calc).
2. Send them to your CE
- TI Connect™ CE (Windows, macOS)
- TI Connect™ CE for ChromeOS
- TILP (Windows, macOS, Linux)
3. Open arTIfiCE in Cabri!
Open the apps menu on your CE, then launch CabriJr, and open ARTIFICE.
You are now able to launch ASM programs!
From there, you should probably install a shell like
Cesium, and/or AsmHook.
It makes it easier for you to launch programs later on.
Press mode in order to quit the shell.
1. Télécharge arTIfi82
2. Transfère-le sur la TI
Tu peux utiliser le programme officiel TI Connect™ CE (Windows, macOS)
Tu peux faire un glisser-déposer du fichier sur le nom de la calculatrice. Clique ensuite sur le bouton
qui va s'afficher.
3. Archive les vars Python
Si tu as des variables Python dans la TI (scripts, modules...), il faut les "archiver" :
- 2nde puis +
- 2 (Gest. Mémoire)
- En bas, choisis Var App…
Appuye sur entrer sur les PY sans *
(RAM = sans * ; Archive = avec *)

4. Dégroupe arTIfi82
Là, tu vas rentrer dans la matrice 😎
- 2nde puis +
- 8 (Grouper…)
- ► (va à droite sur "Dégrouper")
- Appuye sur entrer sur arTIfi82
Ça va prendre un peu moins de 30s

5. Lance l'app Python82 !
Appuye sur 2nde puis résol, puis choisis l'application Python82.
(Une barre de chargement peut s'afficher)
✅ Au bout de quelques secondes, l'app devrait se quitter toute seule, et c'est fini !
(Tu peux maintenant désarchiver les variables de l'étape 3)
Tu peux désormais lancer des programmes ASM depuis le menu prgm habituel (section TI-Basic).
En cas de besoin (après un reset par exemple), pour récupérer l'ASM, et sans ordinateur, il suffit de recommencer à partir de l'étape 3 - donc garde bien AsmHook + le groupe arTIfi82 dans la mémoire !
Note that these apply to both arTIfiCE and arTIfi82, unless otherwise specified.Well, as crazy as this may sound, sure! But in truth, this isn't really a "jailbreak", it doesn't even modify anything, it's just a program launcher.
In short, it gives back to users their legitimate right to enjoy a feature they paid for that TI unilaterally removed in the latest OS versions (allegedly for security reasons, but the bug that cheaters could in theory use was from TI and had nothing to do with ASM!).
This unfair no-ASM restriction unfortunately also found its way into the French-only TI-82 Advanced Edition Python, as it comes with OS 5.6.3, but now with arTIfi82, this limitation is lifted :)
Hopefully more students can become more interested in programming now!
While unlikely, if this happens, you can always reset your calculator (backup your files on your computer first) and try again! A RAM reset (from the mem menu, towards the bottom) is generally enough.
Simply delete the arTIfiCE/arTIfi82 variables from the Memory menu (2nd++).
If Cesium and/or AsmHook are installed, you may also want to delete them and trigger a RAM Reset (be sure to archive and/or backup your files first)
Most probably not, considering arTIfiCE/arTIfi82 only executes a small piece of assembly code (which was previously possible in earlier OSes), and doesn't install anything persistent. Simply fully reset your calc and there will be no trace of it.
arTIfiCE uses software bugs in the calculator's code to be able to execute assembly. A light "shell" is run allowing you to choose which program to launch. The source code may become available later on GitHub.
Regarding arTIfi82, it also exploits a bug to be able to execute assembly. But in this case, there is no "shell", it just runs AsmHook, allowing you to later launch ASM programs directly.
Probably, if people start using it as a way to install undesirable programs (please don't cheat). So far, this hasn't happened, so it seems like TI is leaving us alone.
But just in case, many other bugs have been found that future versions of arTIfiCE could use :)
No. arTIfiCE only restores functionality TI calculators had for dozens of years and removed in recent OS versions.
It is also not present in Press-To-Test (PTT) / exam mode, see below.
arTIfiCE and arTIfi82 are in no way a cheating tool. Cheating is not condoned here in any way.
No. arTIfiCE resides in an "appvar" file (Application Variable, an 8xv file) and it will be deleted by the OS when going into PTT mode, just like most other variables. You'll have to re-transfer+open it after your exam.
It is similar for arTIfi82: PTT is unaffected, as required files will not be available in Python82.
(Reminder that simply transferring anything to the calculator leaves PTT / exam mode)
arTIfiCE and arTIfi82 are in no way a cheating tool. Cheating is not condoned here in any way.
No, considering arTIfiCE only makes it possible for you to launch ASM programs, nothing else.
(This makes downgrading not needed, especially if you use tools like Cesium or AsmHook etc.)
For arTIfiCE: Sure, from the arTIfiCE shell, you can install another shell like Cesium which can be opened more quickly (thus you get to launch your programs more easily), or a utility like AsmHook that enables launching directly on the homescreen like before.
For arTIfi82: this doesn't apply, as AsmHook is already pre-installed (so you can launch programs directly from the prgm menu), and apps (like Cesium) cannot be installed.
Alright... The underlying exploit has a codename. In fact, all the underlying exploits found so far have fun codenames. They'll be released in due time :D
Note that all releases are available here.
(v1.2 for CE, still) + v1.1 for 82AEP – Nov. 15, 2024
arTIfi82 v1.1 has been updated to work with v5.6.4 as well.
The download URL stays the same.
(v1.2 for CE, still) + v1.0 for 82AEP – Sept. 23, 2024
arTIfi82 is specifically made for the TI-82 Advanced Edition Python, a cheaper model sold only for France, based on the TI-83 Premium CE, but with AAA batteries and fewer features.
This was kindly contributed by an anonymous user, thank you!
By the way, arTIfiCE is celebrating 155k downloads! 🎉
v1.2 – June 10, 2022
- Improve compatibility for compressed programs that may otherwise make the OS crash after some operations
- Improve UI a little bit by showing a text when no ASM programs are present
v1.1 – Sept. 22, 2020
- Handle APD™ (fix issues after using programs for some time)
- Improve compatibility with the Cabri™ Jr. app (it now works correctly afterwards)
- Show help bar at the bottom and version number at the top
Note: if you experienced the bug where Cabri appeared to 'freeze' when you open arTIfiCE, you will need to press y= (or f(x)) to progress. This may only happen on first launch.